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Privacy Policy

We will be responsible for all personal data collected. All personal data collected will be used and processed fairly and lawfully while in our possession or custody. We assure all our customers that we would be accountable for our organization’s compliance with our Privacy Policy.

We may collect various information if you seek to place an order for a product to us on any of our Platforms.

We collect, process your data for processing your purchase on our Platforms and any possible later claims, and to provide you with our services. We may collect your title, name, gender, email address, postal address, delivery address (if different), telephone number, mobile number, fax number, payment details, payment card details or bank account details.

We also collect your device information including device IDs and any other personally identifiable information used to access PRIMEDEALS to enhance your user experience by making improvements to our Platforms to customize it to your preferences. This information is also used for fraud detection and prevention.

We will use the information you provide to enable us to process your orders and to provide you with the services and information offered through our Platforms and which you request. Further, we will use the information you provide to administer your account with us; handle returns and size change requests; verify and carry out financial transactions in relation to payments you make online, refunds and fraud detection and prevention; audit the downloading of data from our platforms; improve the layout and/or content of the pages of our platforms and customize them for users; identify visitors on our apps and website; carry out research on our users’ demographics; send you information we think you may find useful or which you have requested from us, including information about our products and services, provided you have indicated that you have not objected to being contacted for these purposes.

Subject to obtaining your consent we may contact you by email with details of other products and services. If you prefer not to receive any marketing communications from us, you can opt out at any time.

We may pass your name, phone number and address on to a third party in order to make delivery of the product to you (for example to our courier or supplier).

Your phone number and email address may be used for notifications regarding order status and announcements of the latest deals and campaigns.

We may use the information we collect to conduct customer service related analyses, train our Customer Service agents and to provide you with the right customer support so that you receive the best customer experience from PRIMEDEALS.

Payments that you make through our platforms will be processed by our agent. You must only submit to us or our Agent or the Site information, which is accurate and not misleading and you must keep it up to date and inform us of changes.

Your actual order details may be stored with us but for security reasons cannot be retrieved directly by us. However, you may access this information by logging into your account on any of our Platforms. Here you can view the details of your orders that have been completed, those which are open and those which are short to be dispatched and administer your address details, bank details and any newsletter to which you may have subscribed. You undertake to treat the personal access data confidentially and not make it available to unauthorized third parties. We cannot assume any liability for the misuse of passwords unless this misuse is our fault.


Personal information collected in the Members Registration forms are meant for internal use. We do not share this information with external parties except to the extent necessary to complete the order or to provide services where the external party is acting on our behalf and has no independent right to use the information we provide.

We maintain the privacy of your information by having appropriate security safeguards in place and adhere to policies that prevent the unauthorized use of your personal information



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